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Acoustic Chronicles II


Music: Corinne Cardinal

Jeter l'ancre

Music: Corinne Cardinal, Daniel Simard       Lyrics: Corinne Cardinal

Trop de tempêtes ont persiflées mon bâtiment

Peu de défaites m’ont brocardées, forcément!

Mais un homme peine à oublier… souvent.

Que ce sang, cette fontaine, est le bilan de mon régiment!

Trop ont péris, sous le coup de cette comédie.

Peu ont compris…. Jeter l’ancre! C’est fini!

Sourds de cette voix, mais avide pour ces fourbes aléas

Affamé d’aventures? Oui! Mais il faut changer de cap, je vous l’assure!

Enfin, il est temps de retrouver ton amant.

Et de dire adieu à tout ce sang, à tous ces tourments.

Contre vents et marées

Music: Corinne Cardinal, Daniel Simard       Lyrics: Corinne Cardinal

Trop de tempêtes ont persiflées mon bâtiment

Peu de défaites m’ont brocardées, forcément!

Mais un homme peine à oublier… souvent.

Que ce sang, cette fontaine, est le bilan de mon régiment!

Trop ont péris, sous le coup de cette comédie.

Peu ont compris…. Jeter l’ancre! C’est fini!

Sourds de cette voix, mais avide pour ces fourbes aléas

Affamé d’aventures? Oui! Mais il faut changer de cap, je vous l’assure!

Enfin, il est temps de retrouver ton amant.

Et de dire adieu à tout ce sang, à tous ces tourments.


Music: Corinne Cardinal, Daniel Simard       Lyrics: Corinne Cardinal

After offending the almighty,
The crimson sky vanished into eternal darkness.


Apocalypse - (Apocalypse)
A Storm Broke out (Hell surrounds us)
Deathly Typhoon, (Discord, Mayhem) 
Extermination, (Pandemonium)

The great Kraken, spawns from Chaos
Fishes out men, Seizes their lives
Longing for meals of flesh and blood
Decimating all the sinners!! 


Repel the Fiend. Survive the fray. 

Engulfed by the never-ending spume of this vile cataclysm. 
They must all perish by the hands of the immortal.

Repel the Fiend. Survive the fray.


Peuple du Nord

Music: Corinne Cardinal      Lyrics: Corinne Cardinal

Peuple du Nord si fort, peuple de Thor tu vains la mort.
L'Amérique terre promise.

Lointaine contrée sera soumise 

Tes Muscles Saillants
Tes cheveux de feux
Jaillissant des vagues
Prêts, dignes et fougueux 
Abattant les vagues d’un rythme valeureux...
Ton regard d'azure quérissant les cieux...

Jadis, avide d'un songe… patrimoine…
Le vent porte la gloire du conquérant hardi...

Accoste cette terre inconnue de la guerre, abritée des souffrances.
(Elle) préserve une vaillance.
Nous sommes les dignes fières intrépides.
Levons notre verre à cette nouvelle terre !

Au revoir

Music: Daniel Simard & Corinne Cardinal      Lyrics: Corinne Cardinal

Au revoir,

Je vous fais amende honorable.

Incertain, est mon retour.

Que trépasse si je faiblis.


Vogue, vogue


Vogue, vogue


Destinée, que de guerres est gorgée.

À la mortaille! Pourfendons ces canailles!


Au revoir,

Nous sommes prêts, guerroyons!

S’impatiente, notre fortune.

Notre histoire se dessine.


Vogue, vogue


Vogue, vogue


Engager ces hostilités armées.

Crève et entaille, jusqu’à la dernière bataille!


Vogue, vogue, vogue



Music: Corinne Cardinal , Daniel Simard & Maxime Legault     Lyrics: Corinne Cardinal & Benoit Arbic

Fools that you are to set sail so far,
To go against the will of the Gods.

Erik you failed to heed my call
Your quest will fail,
Your name will fall.

Do you not know that you cannot go
conquer new land sans Odin's hand?

Surely the seas will turn against thee.
Along your path: Odin’s might's his wrath!

The beasts lurking under the water
Sinking the ships,
One by one, by one...

Amid the desperate and fearful screams of the drowning,
The monsters feast

Destroying all but one vessel of this fleet,
One by one, by one...

The sea is red with the mangled bodies of the dead,
The storm has past...

These Galdrar and songs will help you along
to go further more to friendlier shores.

But once on land thread lightly my friend,
Don't let your guard down. Dangers still abound.

Do you not know that you cannot go
conquer new land sans Odin's hand?

Surely the grounds this new world you found
Will end your path: Odin’s might's his wrath!

Waking in a dream, I see a gentle stream of an emerald beauty.
Water trickling down on the rocks in a pond
where Nymphs naked and free bathe and eat.

The sacred fruits
The blessed foods
The magical brews
All around

The comfort, hospitality, the numbness, the rest that would be…
If you stand your ground...
Forward I must go

I will lay my corpse to claim my name on legends' history

Shame and Despair

Music: Daniel Simard & Corinne Cardinal      Lyrics: Benoît Arbic & Corinne Cardinal

Erick, seeing the despair in the eyes of his men,

tries to breathe in some courage... invoking the forgiveness of the gods.

My men all died… of my folly...
as they followed to their demise.
I dreamed this odyssey,
They agreed...
They all died…

It was you who told us we'd live forever! I failed
That our names would be in the songs of the bards! Utterly failed
But I could not foresee the choler, the anger, the ire, the fury....
That my impudence would cause..... That they'd all die for me.
What have I done…

It was me who told you you'd live forever! You failed
That your names would be in the songs of the bards!  Utter failure
But I was wrong... You were blind....  

By my pride... You transgressed

As I thought I was blessed leading you to death
O Baldur forgive my mistake. I confess!

Now I can feel the colors that through this pain I see.
I can appreciate the worth of what you've given me.

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